Register here to get access to the 3D Explorer or contact the sales representative of our partner responsible for you.
The implantcast 3D Explorer is a web-based tool with the aim of making human anatomy and surgical techniques of our extensive product portfolio easy to understand and actively experience. The precise visualizations and level of detail convey complex content in an understandable, efficient and sustainable way. As a user, you take action yourself and determine views, display options and speed of each individual step of the surgical technique shown. This creates an interactive user experience that enables individualization and flexible application.
Learning human anatomy, surgical approaches, surgical techniques and instruments for our various implant systems has never been so easy and clear. The software combines two medical tools. Depending on your interests, the desired applications can be accessed and used with a license key.
The tool allows you to participate in the individual surgical steps from every perspective. In addition to the surgical techniques already available in conventional format, the assembly and disassembly of the instruments are clearly illustrated down to the smallest detail. All instrument alignments and settings are displayed step by step in 3D format. Discover the variety of settings and options to personalize (y)our surgical techniques.
Whether you are a medical professional, student or generally interested in human anatomy, embark on a fascinating interactive journey into the 3D world of anatomy. Navigate yourself through the different structures, such as bones, muscles, ligaments and nerves of individual anatomical areas and learn about their complex relationships and terminology.
How do I get access to the 3D Explorer?
Register here to get access to the 3D Explorer or contact the sales representative of our partner responsible for you.
How do I activate my license for the 3D Explorer?
Option activation link
Click on the activation link you received by email. The 3D Explorer opens in your browser and the license is activated the first time you open it.
Option license key
Open in your browser. Select “License Manager” on the welcome screen. Enter the license key you received and then click on [+].
Actively access the License Manager via the key symbol in the top right corner of the title bar.
What are the technical requirements for using the 3D Explorer?
You need a current browser (preferably Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome).
iPadOS version 13.2 or higher is required for iPads.
The software is optimized for larger screens. The screen should be at least 10 inches in size.
We recommend using a mouse and keyboard to make the best use of all functions. However, most touch devices also work without any problems.
A powerful graphics card is a prerequisite for a high-quality display. Modern computers and tablets fulfill this criterion in most cases.
To check whether the system requirements are met by your device, please open and test the demo version.
In which languages is the 3D Explorer available?
Both the user environment and the 3D content are available in German and English. Anatomical structures can also be displayed in Latin.
How do I use the 3D Explorer?
Get to know all the functions quickly and easily with the help of the integrated instructions and the detailed tutorial (open the video by clicking on the link).
Does the 3D Explorer replace personal trainings on our products?
No, the 3D Explorer is by no means intended to replace them. It is intended to serve as a supplement at events and enable quick access to the content in everyday life. The conventional surgical techniques will also remain in their existing form and will not be replaced by the tool.
This area is intended for medical professionals only and may only be provided to certain professional personnel.